Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Zhou Dynasty

Zhou Dynasty (1122- 256 BC)

chinese word Zhouchinese word dynasty
West Zhou Dynasty (1122-771 BC)

Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256 BC)



- Agriculture was dominant during the Zhou era, and most cases are controlled by the government. The Western Zhou is often described as feudal, for its feudalism-like system. All agricultural lands were owned by the nobles, who lend lands to the peasants. All farm lands were divided into eight squares (as the symbol of the letter: water). One part of the crop productions (of the eight squares) were to be given to the government, for store of surplus food and distribution in times such as famine and bad harvest. -

- During the Eastern Zhou era, there was a significant economic growth, despite the constant warfare between territories. Iron-tipped ox-drawn plows and improved irrigation techniques increased the agricultural rate. As a result there was a great amount of increased population, due to the greater wealth.


Bronze of the Western Zhou

- In the era of Bronze inscriptions, most of the industries were directed by nobles. Manufacture sectors such as bronze smelting was made into weapons and farming tools were intense during the period of the Zhou.

- Iron was dominantly used during the Eastern Zhou era, as it brought significant developments to the kingdom. This period of time was known as the Iron Age.

Bronze Vessel Script

Technologies (Communication):

- Communication improved rapidly during the Eastern Zhou era, due to greater wealth which results more trades. As a result to the horseback communication system that was introduced, the ruler was able to govern a larger empire while still keeping up with urgent situation that arise.

Social Changes:

- There were not many changes during the Western Zhou era, where the kingdom was ruled conservatively. Contrastingly, there were a significant amount of social and economic advances during the Eastern Zhou period. The first uses of iron-tipped, ow-drawn plows were seen in China during the Zhou dynasty. Additionally, irrigation techniques are improved, as it produced higher agricultural range. Not only thatm important economic developments, such as the circulation of coins for money, the beinning of private ownership of land (end of feudalism during the Western Zhou Era), and growth of cities, all played a momentous role in advancing the empire. Other than technology, agriculture, and economy, military was also advanced during the Zhou dynasty. Developments such as the crossbow, methods of siege warfare, and cavalry warfare from nomads were applied. As a result, these improvements led to a steady population increase, therefore greater wealth prosperity and power, and eventually a larger and stronger empire as a result.

Terracotta Army of the Eastern Zhou


- During the Zhou Dynasty (Western Zhou), the land was too massive than the Zhou leaders could handle. Hence, leaders decided to appoint people to supervise each of the territories. In the territories there were lords, next the fighting men, then the peasants and domestic slaves (authority from greatest to least). During the downfall of the Zhou dynasty, each of the territories gained more independence and eventually breaks away from the King.

Housing in Western Zhou

- In 771-772 BC- King You joint force with the queen’s father, Marquess of Shen. The nobles of the Zeng, Lu, Qin, and Marquess of Shen states then proclaimed the new king to be the queen’s son Ji-Yijiu. The king lost control of the lords, which rebelledand defeated the initial capital, Cheng Zhou. The new king then moved the capital to Louyang (presently Henan Province). Causing the division of the Zhou era, into the ending Western Zhou (1122-771 BC), and the beginning Easten Zhou (770-256 BC).

Shih-yu kuei (the commander to people)

- The Eastern Zhou was governed by political and military control over all of their territories. Thus, the territories then became larger and more powerful than the original Zhou kingdom (Western Zhou), even though there were constant wars between territories.



- Religion was practiced reflecting the hierarchical way that the Zhou leaders believed (Mandate of Heaven). The kings prayed to their ancestors (according to Confucianism) and Shang Ti (presently called T’ien) , the lord on high. The lord in each territory prayed their ancestors, in addition to the local nature gods and the god of agriculture. It is believed that if a prayer misses their sacrifice, then they will receive great illness in their territory or kingdom.


Confucius, founder of Confucianism

- Confucianism is an ethical idea, developed by Confucius the teacher and government official of the Zhou dynasty. Confucianism underlines finding truth by self-perfection through persistent study. In order to achieve harmony, Confucius stated the Five Relationships which outlined the duties of the Ruler to the People and People to the Ruler. For this, the Ruler or leader of the family is to be exemplary, responsible, honest, insuring welfare, and strict with affection. In return, the people must respect and obey the Ruler or leader.

Laozi, founder of Taoism

- Taoism, founded by the ancient Chinese philosopher Laozi who wrote the book ‘Tao Te Ching”. To this, Laozi stated that the way (‘Tao’) is to be found within nature and self. The key to truth and freedom, according to Taoism, is simply, simplicity. Laozi emphasized the idea of Action without Action. Taoism believed that power should be wield with love, and understanding nature would solve all problems.


King Wei (1131-1115 B.C.), first King of Zhou Dynasty

China: - King Zhou Wen Wang (who established the Zhou dynasty –Western Zhou- with Cheng-Zhou as the capital)

- King Ji-Yijiu (who moved the capital to Louyang, and established the Eastern Zhou)

Neo-Hittite Kingdom: King Suppiluliuma 1207-1178 BC

King Suppiluliuma is the last king of the New Empire of the Neo-Hittite Kingdom, which existed since before 1680 BC. The Kingdom covered from central Anatolia, north-western Syria to far until Ugarit, and upper Mesopotamia. King Suppiluliuma (Hieroglyphic Luwian) led wars against Tarhuntassa and Alasiya. The destruction of his kingdom was from the invading of the Sea Peoples during 1178 BC. His after life, however, was left unknown.

Nubia: Candance of Meroe

The queen’s reign was not known, however there was a record that states that she met Alexander the Great during 332 BC. At that time, Alexander was in attempt to conquer Nubia. It was the queen’s wit that arranged elephant armies to meet Alexander. Due to the strength of the armies that Alexander saw, he instead of conquering Nubia, withdrew and head for Egypt instead.

Other Facts/Timeline:

- Longest Chinese dynasty that ever lasted.

- Started the Mandate of Heaven concept, the notion that the ruler is the “son of heaven” and governed by divine right, granted by God.


1122 BC – Zhou dynasty rises

1100-1050 BC – Reign of King Wen, the first King of the Zhou Dynasty.

771 BC – Fall of the Western Zhou capital (Cheng-Zhou)

453 BC - The division of Jin into three states (Zhao, Han, Wei). End point of Spring-Autumn of Eastern Zhou Era.

475-221 BC – Enters Era of Warring States (armored infantry controlled the battle field.

256 BC – Fall of the Zhou dynasty (Qin extinguishes the Zhou royal house)



- The Zhou era was wealthy with fair technologies and economy, but it wasn’t until the Eastern Zhou era that many new technologies such as communication have been invented and economic advances have been developed, leading to great prosperity and power.

Western Zhou Pots

Social Changes

- Social changes have advanced a major step in the way of living of the people of the Eastern Zhou after the new capital was moved, due to the improved in agricultural technologies, military techniques, and most importantly communication.


- The Zhou dynasty started with the capital of Cheng-Yu (Western Zhou), during the falling period of the Shang dynasty, and the capital was later on moved to Louyang (Eastern Zhou), where new polical and social concepts was laid.

Zhou Empire


- The Zhou leaders believed in the ‘Mandate of Heaven’ concept, where rulers ruled in the name of God, other than that famous philosophers such as Confucius and Laozi have a significant influence in the beliefs during the Zhou period.

Yin-Yang, symbolism of Balance (according to Taoism)


The two most important leaders in China during that period of time was King Wen, who started the Zhou dynasty, and King Ji-Yijiu, who established the second period of the Zhou dynasty; during that time there were many other great leaders, such as King Suppiluliuma of the Neo-Hittite Kingdom and Queen Candance of Meroe of Nubia.

Work Cited:

"Candace of Meroe." Wikipedia Foundation, Inc.. 02 Feb. 2007. . 02 Feb. 2007 <>.

"China," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2006
<> © 1997-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

"History of the Hittites." Wikipedia Foundation, Inc.. 02 Feb. 2007. . 02 Feb. 2007 <>.

Martin W, Robert. "Timeline: Ancient Chinese Military History (1600 BC-220 BC)." 01 Feb. 2007 < >.

Morton, W. Scott. China Its History and Art.
   McGraw-Hill Book Company.  Reprint by arrangement with
   Lippincott & Crowell Publishers, 1982.

Pittman, Will. "Zhou Dynasty." 02 Feb. 2007


"Suppiluliuma II." Wikipedia Foundation, Inc.. 02 Feb. 2007. . 02 Feb. 2007 <>.

"The Zhou Dynasty." Think Quest. 01 Feb. 2007 . <>.

"Zhou Dynasty." Wikipedia Foundation, Inc.. 01 Feb. 2007. . 01 Feb. 2007 <>.

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